About Dr. Michael J. Baglino, Ed. D.
Dr. Baglino holds graduate degrees from Winona State University, Minnesota and Florida International University,
Miami in secondary ed. admin., higher ed. and the behavioral sciences. Most recently an adjunct Prof. in Psychology at Palm Bch. State College , he is a professional member of The Society of Catholic Social Scientists. Dr. Baglino is also a regular contributor to two Catholic magazines - www.Catholic365.com and www.CatholicJournal.us.
He is also a retired entertainer [singer/actor], performing primarily as a Frank Sinatra tribute artist under the stage name ‘Michael Matone’.
A parishioner of St. Therese de Lisieux Catholic Church in Wellington, FL, Michael serves as a lector and Knights of Columbus member. As just plain Michael, he lives with his wife, children and grandchildren, all in So. Florida.